The Honest Weblog Award? What's that then?
[Receives wooden statue painted with cheap gold spray paint, holding it gingerly by one of the many rusty looking nails protruding from it.]
Wow, my own award! When I started this blog, I never thought I'd get any awards for it. /sniff. Must...not...cry. Thanks much to the lovely Cait from the
One Among Many blog, for handing me this very...humble award. :P
For those that have never heard of this award, I'll explain the rules.
Rules: 1. Brag about said award and link back to individual passing said award to you.
2. Tag 7 other bloggers and give them all said award.
3. Write 10 honest things about yourself since this is the "Honest Weblog Award".
So, I might as well get this done now. Here are 10 honest things about me.
1. I'm a very laid back person, it's takes alot for me get annoyed or angry.
2. I love WoW to an almost crazy degree, sometimes I find it hard to talk about anything else.
3. I was born 8 weeks early and had to have heart surgery soon after I took my first gasp of air.
4. I love my blog and wish I could find the energy to write more often.
5. I'm 19 - when 911 hit, I didn't believe my mum when she phoned to tell me. I thought, being only 10 as I was, who would be crazy enough do that? I was horrified later to find out it was true.
6. I love my cats, Pepper and Mog but my god, they sometimes drive me crazy.
7. My music tastes often confuse people as I love listening to hardcore heavy metal, yet also like pop and classical music. Stravinsky, anyone?
8. My favourite sport is Chess, yes you heard me, Chess. I dare you to tell me Chess ain't a sport :P Lets see what would happen.
9. My desk at home is generally a mess, covered in things I'm too lazy too move, plates, bowls, sweets wrappers, soft drinks cans. Y'know, the usual.
10. My name is Bryan and I'm from Scotland. I hunt haggises for a living :P Tricky things, haggises... /giggle.
Now to give these awards to some other blogger's. It's an Honest I suppose I should explain why I think you guys should expect such.. an auspicious award. :)
The Warcraft Hunter - One of the many bloggers who inspired me to start my own blog. Full of great huntering wisdom and advice, this is a must for all aspiring hunters. A.K.A Me.
Lienna - One of the first bloggers I ever read, Lienna, even though she is a Survival Hunter, is among my favourite bloggers and I think she deserves an award as well.
Aspect of the Hare - Need I say more? Pike really is one of the greatest bloggers I have ever read, along with a certain Uncle... :P Here's to ya Pike! /cheer
Lady Jess - Wow, at least this blogging isn't always a hunter! At least, I think she isn't, otherwise people might think I'm biased or something! :P Always a lady, Lady Jess's funny, thoughtful posts make my day.
Blessing of Kings - The best Paladin blogger imho! Full of thought provoking and theory-crafting posts, this is a blog for everyone, not just a pally!
Death Coil - Surprisingly, one of the only good Death Knight/Warlock blogs I could find. Full of descriptive posts and some RPing, this is a blog you don't wanna miss!
BigRedKitty -Okay, I know for a fact that BRK has already got one of these awards but goddamn, he deserves another! For the man who inspired me to drop my rogue and roll a hunter, thank you sir! /salute
There, those are the wonderful bloggers I believe make the WoW Blogosphere a better place! Now, go forth and read!