Ok, this post was gonna be about a Karazhan run I did a few days ago, rife with pics. But I've seen something which ties back to a post I made a few months ago about wanting a player-chosen level cap.
Well, in an interview with Lead Content Designer Cory Stockton, many questions were asked about the upcoming 'exp gains in BGs'. All of which I found mildly interesting, seeing as I have developed a soft-spot for AV and WG recently, yet the information didn't make me run around, screaming 'FUCK YEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!' at the top of my lungs. This did.An excerpt from the above linked article:
Do these players still have an avenue to remain at a level of their choosing while still being able to engage in PvP combat?
Cory Stockton: Yes, players will have access to a new option that will allow them to turn off experience gain in PVP. This option also ensures that you will only be matched against other players that have set the same switch. Players can activate this option by talking to new NPCs, Behsten and Slahtz, near the Battlemasters in Orgrimmar or Stormwind. This new ability will cost 10 gold to turn on or off each time.
If these players disable the ability to gain experience, will this apply to PvE content as well?
Cory Stockton: Yes, this option will apply to PvE content as well as PvP.
*Insert much, screaming, flailing and general happy behaviour* Ladies and Gentlemen, Trolls and Goblins and even all the weird Slime creatures. I am one happy AllianceGuy :D
And though I have never heard of Cory Stockton until 20 minutes ago...Dude, you officially ROCK!
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4 months ago
PvE i rather lvl but PvP i can understand turning it off for Twinking
But what if you want to fully experience content before moving on? I think it makes perfect sense. :P
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